

3.英语Heroic Wang books China’s Tokyo ticket怎么翻译?

4.玩得高兴 4种英文翻译

5.伦敦奥运会 伦敦是第几次举办奥运会


东京奥运会 翻译_东京奥运会翻译


1964 Tokyo Olympic Games, 1988 Seoul Olympic Games had much representatively showed the Olympic Games to occupied the industrialization to accelerate the peculiar value which developed the time state economy to he. Beijing sponsors in 2008 the Olympic Games mainly to display to the Chinese economy influence in visible and the invisible two aspects. The visible influence is refers to the Olympic Games to conduct country aspect and so on consumer demand, investment demand, export demand as well as in job enlargement in drawing functions, this kind of influence mainly manifests in sponsors local in the economic output and the structural change. The invisible influence is refers to the Olympic Games to host country aspect and so on economic development environment, degree of openness, national prestige, image and creditworthiness influences. From the host country economy's long-term development, the invisible influence is often more important than the visible influence, has the value


United by Emotion(聚会)。

2020年2月17日,东京奥组委公布2020年东京奥运会口号:United by Emotion(聚会)。对此,东京奥运会官方微博账号说明道:“东京2020奥运会残奥会主题口号为‘United by Emotion’。






以上内容参考人民网-东京奥运会公布主题口号:United by Emotion(聚会)



《 体育 日本》网站13日报道称,当天巴赫对奥运村开村以及日方工作予以了肯定,他强调,“我们的共同任务是为所有人举办一届万人安心的奥运会”、“既为运动员,也为各国的选手团,最重要的是为了中国人民…” 此时他发现自己口误,便立刻改为“…日本人民”。而在这之后,巴赫又特别说了一句日语,呼吁“大家一起加油”。

而据《日刊 体育 》称,虽然巴赫出现了口误,但现场的翻译倒十分机智,并没有将“中国人民”翻译出来。



英语Heroic Wang books China’s Tokyo ticket怎么翻译?





1. 残奥会 (Paralympic Games)


 夏季残奥会每四年举办一届,举办时间在夏季奥运会之后,是为身有缺陷的运动员举办的世界性运动会。第一届夏季残奥会于1960年在意大利的罗马举行,此次的东京残奥会为第16届夏季残奥会,于8月24日开始(kick off),至9月5日结束。


 东京残奥会共设有三个残疾类别,即肢体残疾、视力障碍和智力缺陷(physical, vision and intellectual impairments),比赛项目多达22个大项,539个小项,参赛人员(competitior)约4400人,来自将近160个国家和地区。其中,阿富汗由于国内的形势无法派遣代表团参加本次残奥会,但是阿富汗的国旗依然会在东京残奥会上飘扬,作为团结、和平的象征(symbol)。


 标志和会徽 (logo & emblem)




 吉祥物 (mascot)


 东京残奥会的吉祥物名为Someity,是由日语?染井吉野?和英文?so mighty?组合而成。?染井吉野?是一种流行的樱花品种,而?so mighty?意为?无所不能?。Someity拥有巨大的精神和身体力量,寓意着残奥健儿们克服自身障碍,重新定义挑战极限。


2. 开幕式 (opening ceremony)






 理念和 口号 (concept & slogan)


 8月21日,东京奥组委公布了开幕式的英文版本,即?We He Wings?,意为?我们拥有翅膀?,展现了残奥运动员逆风前行,展翅飞翔的精神。


 东京奥运会与东京残奥会开闭幕式的总理念依然为?Moving Forward?,意为?前进?,蕴含着将前行的能量带给每个人的希望。而残奥会的口号与奥运会一致,同样是?United by Emotion?,意为?情同与共?,体现了人与人之间虽然性格迥异,但感情却能相通的含义。


 推迟一年 ( a yearlong delay)




 The Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games opened yesterday after a yearlong pandemic delay.




 The Tokyo Paralympics were postponed for a year due to the COVID-19 pandemic.




 The Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games opened yesterday after a one-year postponement due to the COVID-19 pandemic.




  3. 空场举行 (behind closed doors)


 由于东京疫情进一步恶化,为了降低感染风险(infection risks),本次的残奥会和奥运会一样,除少数场次的比赛允许学生入场观看外,大部分赛事将会在空场的情况下进行。?空场?即意味着在没有观众的状态下,闭门举行。虽然现场没有观众的加油欢呼,会缺少一些竞技的氛围,但是残奥健儿们会依然拿出自己最好的状态迎接每一场比赛。


 ?空场?或者?闭门?举行,可以用英文behind closed doors来表示,同时也可以用与其含义相同的?无观众?来代替,英文表达为a ban on the spectators。


4. 中国代表团 (Chinese delegation)


 在昨天的开幕式上,中国体育代表团排在第98位登场,由轮椅射箭运动员周佳敏和田径运动员王浩担任旗手(flag bearers)。


 此次参加东京残奥会的中国代表团共437人,其中运动员251人,他们将参与20大项的比赛,运动员们都是来自各个职业的业余运动员,他们有的是学生,有人是农民,还有人是公务员。虽然来自不同的行业,但是他们都有着拼搏向前的精神。中国代表团的本次参赛目标是:安全参赛,展现精神,争创佳绩,传递友谊(compete safely, show good spirit, strive for success and promote friendship)。


 旗手 (flag bearers)


 在东京残奥会的开幕式上,中国代表团的旗手由周佳敏和王浩担任(named as Chinese delegation's flag bearers),他们高举五星红旗,引领着运动员们入场。




5. 奖牌榜 (medal table)






 奖牌榜:?奖牌榜?可以用medal table来表示,table有?排名榜,名次表?的意思,因此medal table可以表示?奖牌榜?;其次,奖牌榜还可以用medal tally/count/standings表示。tally 意为?记录,积分表?,count有?总数?的含义,而standings表示?名次,排名?,因此这些名词与medal搭配可以表示?奖牌榜?。




 China has topped/led the medal table at every Paralympics since Athens 2004.






玩得高兴 4种英文翻译

Heroic Wang books China’s Tokyo ticket.


(对应的内容是中国女足获得东京奥运会门票, 其中王霜丰功至伟)。



伦敦奥运会 伦敦是第几次举办奥运会


he fun 、he a good/great/wonderful time、enjoy oneself、he a blast等

1、he fun?

They he?fun fishing together on weekends.(周末,他们在一起钓鱼,很开心。)

2、he a good/great/wonderful time

You’ll he a good time during the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.(2020东京奥运会期间,你会玩得很开心的。)

3、enjoy oneself

On May Day, he hung out with his girlfriend and they enjoyed themselves.


4、he a blast

Come and join us tonight.You'll he a blast.(今晚一起来玩呗,你肯定会特开心。)


He fun,动词短语,意思是玩得开心、玩得高兴、玩得愉快。



I heard that you are going to the beach for a vacation. He fun!



Today, the boys had fun playing with each other!



The party will begin soon. Let's he fun!


A: 嗨,安吉拉,早上好。

A: Hi Angela, good morning.

B: 嗨,黛西,早上好。我这周末要去野餐,你想不想一起来?

B: Hi Daisy, good morning. I'm going to he a picnic this weekend. Do you want to come?

A: 我很想去,但是我要去上钢琴课。

A: I'd love to, but I need to take my piano lessons.

B: 真遗憾,那就下次吧。

B: What a pity! Maybe some other time.

A: 好的,祝你这周末玩得愉快哟!

A: Sure. He fun this weekend!

B: 谢谢你!

B: Thank you!




1896年雅典奥运会 ( 第1届)

1900年巴黎奥运会 ( 第2届)

1904年圣路易斯奥运会 ( 第3届)

1908年伦敦奥运会 ( 第4届)

1912年斯德哥尔摩奥运会 ( 第5届)

1920年安特卫普奥运会 ( 第7届)

1924年巴黎奥运会 ( 第8届)

1928年阿姆斯特丹奥运会 ( 第9届)

1932年洛杉矶奥运会 ( 第10届)

1936年柏林奥运会 ( 第11届)

1948年伦敦奥运会 ( 第14届)

1952年赫尔辛基奥运会 ( 第15届)

1956年墨尔本奥运会 ( 第16届)

1960年罗马奥运会 ( 第17届)

1964年东京奥运会 ( 第18届)

1968年墨西哥城奥运会 ( 第19届)

12年慕尼黑奥运会 ( 第20届)

16年蒙特利尔奥运会 ( 第21届)

1980年莫斯科奥运会 ( 第22届)

年洛杉矶奥运会 ( 第23届)

1988年汉城奥运会 ( 第24届)

1992年巴塞罗那奥运会 ( 第25届)

1996年亚特兰大奥运会 ( 第26届)

2000年悉尼奥运会 ( 第27届)

2004年雅典奥运会 ( 第28届)

2008年北京奥运会 ( 第29届)

2012年伦敦奥运会 ( 第30届 正在举办)

2016年里约热内卢奥运会( 第31届 未举办)



In 1949 hereafter, the new Chinese motion good athlete successively has participated in the 15th,

23, 24, 25, 26 sessions of Summer Olympic Games, and has got comparatively splendid achievement.

23rd Olympiad , Xu Haifeng are that China has won the trunk gold medal , "fulfil our country

Olympic Games gold medal zero breakthrough". This session, Olympiad , our country he got the gold

medal and the medal sum enumerating good fourth achievement , he gained 15 gold medals , 8

silver medals and 9 bronze medals respectively. 25th Olympiad , our country gain 16 gold medals ,

16 22 silver medals , bronze medals , the gold medal and the medal sum arrange the 4th world. 26th

Olympiad , our country gain 16 gold medals , 12 22 silver medals , bronze medals , the gold medal

and the medal sum arrange the 4th world

From 1980, our country successively has joined the force mouth 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 sessions

of the Winter Olympic Games. 16th winter will be oersted, our country athlete selected for a

sports meet Ye Qiao Bo is that China has won the trunk medal , "he fulfiled the Winter Olympic

Games medal zero breakthrough". Winter will be upper oersted on this time , our country gains 3

silver medals. 17th winter will be oersted, our country gains 2 1 silver medals , bronze

medals. 18th winter will be oersted, our country gains 2 6 silver medals , bronze medals. The

purpose that Olympics moves is to make contribution by the fact that any does not come to

educate youth the vigorous sports activities discriminating against , hing Olympics , is not

to build a finer peaceful world thereby.

The Olympics spirit is a mutual acquaintance , friendship , the spirit uniting and competing

impartially. The Olympics aphorism, also calls Olympics the motto or the slogan , is that Olympics

moves one of purpose. The Olympics aphorism is: "Faster , higher , stronger ". Linpike indicates ,

Olympics is encircled by from five composition, can be one kind colour or several kinds colour. If

the colour regulation using colour , five rings is blue , yellow , black , green , red, the ring

cover meet from left to right each other, higher authority be blue , black , red ring, underneath

is a yellow , green ring. The meeting flag and five import being encircled by are: Symbolize that

five the continent uniting and the whole world athletes get together with the impartial , outspoken

competition and amicable spirit on Olympiad. Flame burning in host meeting place is to be Olympics

sage fire during Olympiad , is symbolizing light , is uniting, friendship , peace , justice.

Become the Beijing Olympiad middle in 2008 English subject slogan with a world, the

same fond dream " (the One world , One dream). 16 1956 15 1952 14 1948 11 1936 10

1932 9 1928 8 1924 7 1920 5 1912 4 1908 3 1904 2 1900 1 1896 Greece Athenses France

Paris USA Saint-Louis United Kingdom London Swedens Stockholm Belgiums Antwerp France

Paris Hollands Amsterdam USA Los Angeles Germany Berlin United Kingdom London

Finland Helsinki Aussie Melbourne Sweden Stockholm

25 1992 24 1988 23 22 1980 21 16 19 1968 Mo Xi Ge Mo Xi Ge 18 1964 17 1960 Italy Rome Japans Tokyos cities 20 12 Germany Munich Canadas Montreal Soviet Union Moscow USA Los Angeles Korea Republic Seoul Spains Sailuo that 29 2008 28 2004 27 2000 26 1996 USA Atlanta Aussie Sydneys Greeces Athenses Chinese Beijing