1.求英语翻译 很急.!!
Rnwitrr:奥林普,Th:_in Aihcns。在1896年。J1,MAR:O“Fzsitr.海鲁。奥林匹克五环是奥运会的象征.这里有r,e,rr,c,d,d.n.…,蓝的,蓝色的.,.蓝色的.SRT‘en和RTL ou on f ind a:jew on.onhck冒号in cachCouninthcworid Thcre ARC Summcr奥林匹i“和WzrWr Obnp,c.,他们a:t都举行了c:y四年。冬奥会艺术通常在夏季奥运会之前一年。现在,不同的CMES在朗姆酒中从四面八方、贪婪的Meer io Cornpere和成为朋友TNE的奥林匹克运动艺术将成为‘更多的波普贾尔’的‘最讨厌的’和更多的波普贾尔。在本届奥运会中,更多的城市将举办奥运会,奥运会将更加激烈。 希望能够帮助你
求英语翻译 很急.!!
说起五环的来历,曾经有过这样一个有趣的故事。 1936 年第11 届柏林奥运会第一次举行火炬传递活动,火炬的传递路线自奥林匹亚开始,从希腊北部出境,沿多瑙河穿过奥地利,最后进入德国。为了烘托这一具有象征意义的活动,奥运会组委会卡尔?迪姆及其同事几乎完全按照古奥运会的情景来布置沿途经过的古希腊遗址。火炬到达德尔菲帕那萨斯山的古代运动场时要举行一个特别仪式,这时,迪姆突发奇想,在一个高约3 英尺的长方形石头的四面设计并刻上了现代奥林匹克运动的五环标志,放在了古运动场的起跑线一端。仪式结束后,火炬继续北上,而这块作为道具的石头却被留在了古运动场。
由于极少有人知道这块刻有五环标志石头(后被称做“迪姆之石”)的真实身份,此后的很长一段时间,它被当做了“有3000 年历史的古代奥运会遗迹”。这个以讹传讹的错误直到20 世纪60 年代才被德尔菲的希腊官员指出。12 年5 月,这个文物被送到德尔菲的另一个地方——古罗马广场入口处。
事实上,现代奥林匹克运动的五环标志出自现代奥运会创始人顾拜旦之手。顾拜旦认为奥林匹克运动应该有自己的标志,这个念头在他的脑海里盘桓已久。 1913 年,他终于构思设计了五环标志和以白色为底印有五环的奥林匹克旗,打算在国际奥委会成立20 周年之际推出这个标志。
1914 年6 月15 日~23 日,国际奥委会在法国巴黎索邦学院举行代表大会,同时庆祝国际奥委会成立20 周年。在纪念大会上,顾拜旦兴致勃勃地拿出自己设计的五环标志和一面印着五环的旗帜向大家展示,并建议将它们作为奥林匹克运动的标志。听了顾拜旦对五环标志的说明后,会议确定将奥林匹克五环和奥林匹克旗作为奥林匹克标志。
奥林匹克五环标志由5 个奥林匹克环从左至右套接而成,可以是单色,也可以是蓝、黄、黑、绿、红5 种颜色。最初的解释是五种颜色代表各国国旗的颜色,后来又将5 个不同颜色的圆环解释为五大洲的象征。
奥运会会旗,3 米长,2 米宽,以白色为底,象征纯洁。蓝、黄、黑、绿、红五环,环环相扣。1914 年,在巴黎举行的奥林匹克大会首次悬挂了奥林匹克旗。1920 年,奥林匹克旗第一次飘扬在安特卫普夏季奥运会体育场。这届奥运会后,比利时奥委会赠送了国际奥委会一面同样的旗,在奥运会期间悬挂,后成定制,历届奥运会开幕式上由上届举办城市转交此旗,由举办城市保存,比赛期间主运动场仅悬挂代用品。1952 年,奥斯陆市赠送国际奥委会冬季奥运会会旗,交接、保存和使用方法与夏季奥运会相同。
19 年6 月,国际奥委会正式宣布了会旗和五环的含义:《根据奥林匹克宪章》,奥林匹克旗帜和5 个圆环的含义是:象征五大洲的团结以及全世界运动员以公正、坦率的比赛和友好的精神在奥运会上相见。
Speaking of the origins of rings, there was such an interesting story. 1936 at the 11th Berlin Olympics first held the torch relay, the torch transmission line from Olympia, Greece from the northern part of the country, along the Danube through Austria, Germany into the final. To Hongtuo the symbolic significance of the event, the Olympic Games Organizing Committee Chairman Carl ? Tim and his colleagues almost entirely in accordance with the ancient Olympic Games to the scene along the layout of the ancient Greek ruins. The torch arrived Deerfeipa SARS Hill, the ancient stadium at a special ceremony to be held, at this time, Tim Tufaqixiang, in a high-about three feet on all sides of the rectangular stone engred design and the modern Olympic movement of the Fifth Ring Signs, the ancient stadium on the starting line of one end. After the ceremony, the torch to the north, and props as a piece of stone has been left in the ancient stadium.
Since very few people know this piece of stone engred with the logo Wuhuan (was called "Tim's Stone") the true identity, after a long period of time, it was as a "a 3000 history of the Olympic Games of ancient relics" . This Yiechuane error until the 1960s was only the Greek Delphi officials said. May 12, the relics were sent to lee Delphi's another place - at the entrance to ancient Rome.
In fact, the modern Olympic movement from the rings logo Coubertin, founder of the modern Olympic Games in hand. Coubertin that the Olympic movement should he its own logo, this idea in his mind Panhuan a long time ago. In 1913, he finally conceptual design of the logo and white rings for the end of the Olympic rings bearing the flag in the International Olympic Committee intends to set up 20 anniversary of the launch of this symbol.
June 15, 1914 ~ 23, the International Olympic Committee in France Balisuobang Institute on behalf of the General Assembly, to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the International Olympic Committee. While commemorating the General Assembly, Coubertin hily come up with their own design rings logo and a banner Yinzhao rings to show everyone, and recommended them as the Olympic Games logo. After listening to Coubertin on the rings after signs the note, the meeting will determine the Olympic rings and the Olympic flag as the Olympic logo.
Olympic rings logo by the five Olympic ring from Taojie from left to right, can be monochromatic, can also be blue, yellow, black, green and red five kinds of colors. The initial explanation is that five colors, representing the color of the national flag, but will five different colors of the ring interpreted as a symbol of the five continents.
Olympic flag, three meters long and two meters wide, to the end of white, symbolizing purity. Blue, yellow, black, green and red rings, Central interlocking. 1914, held in Paris the first time the Olympic flag has been hoisted at the Olympic. 1920, the Olympic flag fluttering in the first Summer Games in Antwerp Stadium. This session after the Olympics, the Belgian Olympic Committee International Olympic Committee presented the same side of the flag, hoisted during the Olympic Games, after a customized, all previous Olympic Games opening ceremony of the previous host city referred to by this flag, from city to host the preservation of the competition Only the main stadium during the hoisting of substitutes. 1952, the International Olympic Committee presented the Oslo City Winter Olympic Games flag, transfer, storage and use the same methods and Summer Games.
June 19, the International Olympic Committee officially announced the flag and the meaning of the Fifth Ring: "Under the Olympic Charter," the banner of the Olympic five rings and the meaning is: symbol of the unity of the five continents and the world athletes in a fair and frank The friendly competition and the spirit of the Olympics on each other.
** 能够代表亚洲的颜色 光彩而又耀眼 奥运会马上就来临了 它激动人心 伴随着我们渡过一个又一个的四年 它代表着全人类向最高境界的不懈追求。
Yellow, a color that can represent Asia, glorious and shining. The Olympics is coming soon, and it inspires people's heart. With the Olympics we went through one and another four years. It represents mankind's unwering pursuit of the supreme state.
奥运五环的颜色人们更是清楚 ** 红色 蓝色 绿色 黑色 每个大洲心连心 相聚称这和谐美妙的图案 为了迎接奥运各个职位的人们纷纷忙碌起来 我也愿意用自己的一份力量为奥运做事情
People know the color of the five circles all too well. Yellow, red, blue, green, black, every continent goes hand in hand and forms this harmonious picture. People in all posts get busy preparing for the advent of the event. I myself would be willing to make my little contribution to the cause.
而一个心愿就是能够看着有着黄皮肤黑眼睛的中国健儿们为祖国赢得一枚枚金牌 而赛场上的奥运健儿让我真正领会了奥林匹克精神 ** 中国土地的颜色 中国人皮肤的颜色 醒目而又明亮的颜色 它如同太阳的光彩一定会永远激励着我们前进。
One of my wishes is to see those Chinese athletes with yellow skin and black eyes winning medal after medal.
It is those athletes that teaches me the true spirit of the Olympics. Yellow, the color of the soil of China, the color of the skin of Chinese, shining and bright, it is like the color of the sun that will inspire us forever to head forward.
Five rings represent the five continents and the Olympic rings are a whole, Asia is yellow, Africa is black, Europe is blue, America is red, Oceania is green. Rings represent the five continents in the world, 5color represent the five continents of the world, people of different colors together the rings represent the five continents, people can get along well with each other.
Olympic Games five surrounded the Olympics five link symbols is by Pierre - German - Gu Baidan in 1913 the conceptual designs, it was in the worldwide scale the most people widespread cognition Olympics games symbolized. Five different color's rings represented joined modern Olympics games's Five Continents - - Europe, Asia, Africa, Oceania and the Americas. Each participated in the Olympics games's country to be able to find at least one kind of five link's color on own national flag. the symbol symbolizes Five Continents and the world athlete is assemble at the Olympic Games, has manifested the Olympics principle content fully, “all national - all nationalities” “the Olympics big family” the subject, promoted the Olympics movement development. Olympic Games the Olympics games is called the Olympic Games, it including summer Olympics, Winter Olympic Games, Paralympic Game, blue Olympics and special Olympics. Is the International Olympic Committee sponsors contains many kinds of sports project the international games, every four years is held once. The Olympics games most gets up early stems from the ancient Greece (776 B.C.), acquires fame because of the host in the Olympia. The 19th century without any reason France's Gu Baidan barons established the modern Olympics games in the true sense. Started the Olympics games from 1896 to conduct every four years one time (once had interrupted in two world wars three times, respectively was in A.D. 1916, 1940 and in 1944), the duration did not surpass for 16 days. Because in 1924 started to set up the winter Olympic, therefore in the Olympics games custom was called “the summer Olympics games”. The Olympics games already had now become peace and the friendship symbol. Olympic Games' spirit passes on from generation to generation, never ceases.
Like the Five Olympic Rings from which they draw their color and inspiration, Fuwa will serve as the Official Mascots of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, carrying a message of friendship and peace -- and good wishes from China -- to children all over the world.
同奥运五环一样,福娃汲取了五环的色彩和灵感, 作为2008北京奥林匹克运动会官方的吉祥物,承载着友谊和平的信息,把来自中国的美好祝愿,带给全世界的小朋友.
Designed to express the playful qualities of five little children who form an intimate circle of friends, Fuwa also embody the natural characteristics of four of China's most popular animals -- the Fish, the Panda, the Tibetan Antelope, the Swallow -- and the Olympic Flame.
Each of Fuwa has a rhyming two-syllable name -- a traditional way of expressing affection for children in China. Beibei is the Fish, Jingjing is the Panda, Huanhuan is the Olympic Flame, Yingying is the Tibetan Antelope and Nini is the Swallow.
1.The Olympic Games olympic flag is the management formulates in GuBaidan under. Five links be blue, black, are respectively red, yellow,the green, three links in on, two links in under, are linked together,tight association in same place. Does obeisance the day regarding thiplanation according to the attendance, five links "in the symbolicworld acknowledged the Olympics movement, and prepares to attend theOlympic Games the five continents, but the sixth kind of color white -flag bottom color, Italy refers to all countries all without a singleexception to be able to attend the competition in under the oneselfcountry flag". Afterwards some people explained that, IOC used atfirst blue, black, is red, yellow, the green took five links thecolors were because it could represent participates in the IOC allcountries national flag at that time the color. The 7th session ofOlympic Games got up from 1920, five links five kind of colorssymbolized the five continents: The blue color represents Europe,black Italy refers to Africa, red symbolizes the Americas, the yellowsymbolizes Asia, but the green explains makes Australia. In 13 theIOC published conference proceeding "the Olympics Forum" emphasizedthat, "The conference symbol and the meeting pennant five linksmeaning is symbolizing five continents' unity, world athlete by fair,frank competition and friendly spirit, meets at the Olympic Games."
奥运会五环旗是在顾拜旦主持下制定的。五环分别为蓝、黑、红、黄、绿色,三环在上,两环在下,环环相扣,紧紧联在一起。按照顾拜旦对此的解释,五环“象征世界上承认奥林匹克运动、并准备参加奥林匹克竞赛的五大洲,而第六种颜色白色——旗帜的底色,意指所有国家都毫无例外地能在自己国家的旗帜下参加比赛”。 后来有的人解释说,国际奥委会最初用蓝、黑、红、黄、绿色作为五环的颜色是因为它能代表当时参加国际奥委有国家国旗的颜色。自1920年第7届奥运会起,五环的五种颜色象征五大洲:蓝色代表欧洲,黑色意指非洲,红色象征美洲,**标志着亚洲,而绿色喻作澳洲。 13年国际奥委会会刊《奥林匹克论坛》则强调:“会徽和会旗的五环含义是象征着五大洲的团结,全世界的运动员以公正、坦率的比赛和友好的精神,在奥运会上相见。”
2.The flag features the emblem of the Olympic Games — five interlocking rings (blue, yellow, black, green, and red respectively) on a white field. This was originally designed in 1913 by Baron Pierre de Coubertin, the founder of the modern Olympic Games, but gained widespread popularity due to its promotion by Nazi Germany [1]. Upon its initial introduction, de Coubertin stated the following in the August, 1913 edition of Revue Olympique:
The emblem chosen to illustrate and represent the world Congress of 1914 ...: five intertwined rings in different colours - blue, yellow, black, green, red - are placed on the white field of the paper. These five rings represent the five parts of the world which now are won over to Olympism and willing to accept healthy competition.
In his article published in the "Olympic Revue" the official magazine of the International Olympic Committee in November 1992, the American historian Robert Barney explains that the idea of the interlaced rings came to Pierre of Coubertin when he was in charge of the USA ( Unión des Societes Fran?aise de Sports Athletiques): The emblem of the union was two interlaced rings (like the typical interlaced marriage rings) and originally the idea of Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung because for him the ring meant continuity and the human being. [2]
“ The Olympic flag [...] has a white background, with five interlaced rings in the centre : blue, yellow, black, green and red [...] This design is symbolic ; it represents the five continents of the world, united by Olympism, while the six colours are those that ear on all the national flags of the world at the present time. ” (1931) Textes choisis II, p.470.
The 1914 Congress had to be suspended due to the outbreak of World War I, but the flag and emblem were later adopted. They would first officially debut at the VIIth Olympiad in Antwerp, Belgium in 1920.
The emblem's popularity and widespread use began during the lead-up to the 1936 Summer Olympics in Berlin. Carl Diem, president of the Organizing Committee of the 1936 Summer Olympics, wanted to hold a torchbearers' ceremony in the stadium at Delphi, site of the famous oracle, where the Pythian Games were also held. For this reason he ordered construction of a milestone with the Olympic rings carved in the sides, and that a torchbearer should carry the flame along with an escort of three others from there to Berlin. The ceremony was celebrated but the stone was never removed. Later, two British authors Lynn and Gray Poole when visiting Delphi in the late 1950?s saw the stone and reported in their "History of the Ancient Games" that the Olympic rings design came from ancient Greece. This has become known as "Carl Diem's Stone". [3] [4]. This created a myth that the symbol had an ancient Greek origin. The rings would subsequently be featured prominently in Nazi images and theatrics in 1936 as part of an effort to glorify the Third Reich and claim a noble and ancient lineage.
The current view of the International Olympic Committee is that the flag "reinforces the idea" that the Olympic Movement is international and welcomes all countries of the world to join. [5] Some literature, such as "The World Encyclopedia of Flags" by Alfred Znamierowski, state that each ring represent the five continents. Using this scheme, the Americas are viewed as a single continent, and Antarctica is omitted.
As can be read in the Olympic Charter, the Olympic symbol represents the union of the five continents and the meeting of athletes from throughout the world at the Olympic Games. However, no continent is represented by any specific ring. Though colourful explanations about the symbolism of the coloured rings exist, the only connection between the rings and the continents is that the number five refers to the number of continents.